optiXlab = X-ray optics laboratory of the Synchrotron Radiation Department in the Institute of Physics at the Jagiellonian University. 

research: x-ray optics

X-ray microscopy with polycapillary optics

for example:
P. Korecki, K. M. Sowa, B. R Jany, F. Krok, Defect-Assisted Hard X-ray Microscopy with Capillary Optics, Physical  Review Letters 116, 233902 (2016).

X-ray imaging of local atomic structure

for example:
D. T. Dul, P. Korecki,  Wavelet analysis of white beam x-ray fluorescence holograms: determination of lattice sites and imaging of local atomic structure, New Journal of Physics 14, 113044  (2012)

Gamma-ray holography

for example:
P. Korecki, M. Szymonski, J. Korecki, T. Slezak,
Site-selective holographic imaging of iron arrangements in magnetite, Physical Review Letters 92, 205501 (2004)



Prof. Paweł KORECKI

Synchrotron Radiation Department
Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science
Jagiellonian University
Lojasiewicza 11, 30-0348 Krakow, Poland
tel: +4812 6644627
e-mail: pawel.korecki(at)uj.edu.pl
room G-0-09