F. Kosiorowski, P.Wróbel, T. Kołodziej, K.M. Sowa, M. Szczerbowska-Boruchowska, and P. Korecki, Ray tracing of the new multi-modal X-ray imaging beamline PolyX at SOLARIS National Synchrotron Radiation Centre, Applied Sciences 14, 7482 (2024)
K. M. Sowa, P. Wróbel, T. Kołodziej, W. Błachucki, F. Kosiorowski, M. Zając, P. Korecki, PolyX beamline at SOLARIS—Concept and first white beam commissioning results, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B 538, 131 (2023)
W. Błachucki, K. M. Sowa, T. Kołodziej, P. Wróbel, P. Korecki, J. Szlachetko, First white beam on a von Hámos spectrometer at the PolyX beamline of SOLARIS, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B 542, 133 (2023)
J. Szlachetko, ..., P. Korecki, ..., M. Stankiewicz, SOLARIS national synchrotron radiation centre in Krakow, Poland, The European Physical Journal Plus 138, 1-10 (2023)
K. M. Sowa, P. Korecki, X-ray tomography with multiple ultranarrow cone beams , Optics Express 28, 23223 (2020);K. M. Sowa, M.P. Kujda, P. Korecki, Plenoptic X-ray microscopy, Applied Physics Letters 116, 014103 (2020);
K. M. Sowa, B.R. Jany, P. Korecki, Multpoint-projection X-ray microscopy, Optica 5, 577 (2018).K. Hayashi, P. Korecki, X-ray Fluorescence Holography: Principles, Apparatus and Applications, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 87, 061003 (2018), invited paper („Special Topics: Advances in local structure science by 3D atomic images”)
K. M. Sowa, A. Last, P. Korecki, Grid-enhanced X-ray coded aperture microscopy with polycapillary optics. Sci. Rep. 7, 44944; doi: 10.1038/srep44944 (2017).2016
P. Korecki, K. M. Sowa, B. R Jany, F. Krok, Defect-Assisted Hard X-ray Microscopy with Capillary Optics, Physical Review Letters 116, 233902 (2016).[]
K.M. Dabrowski, D.T. Dul, F. Firszt, A. Marasek, K. Strzalkowski, P. Korecki, Atomic structure imaging in ZnSe and mixed Zn0.74Mn0.2Be0.06Se crystals with X-ray Fluorescence Holography, Z. Phys. Chem. 230, 471 (2016).
D.T. Dul, P. Korecki, Matrix Effects in X-ray Fluorescence Holography: Samples of Arbitrary Thickness, Z. Phys. Chem. 230, 457 (2016).
W-C. Pilgrim, S. Hosokawa, K. Kayashi, P. Korecki, Element Specific Structure Determination Using Modern X-ray and Neutron Techniques - Preface, Z. Phys. Chem 230, 445 (2016).
K.M. Dąbrowski, D.T. Dul, T. Jaworska-Gołąb, J. Rysz, P. Korecki, X-ray fluorescence holography studies for a Cu3Au crystal, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. B 364, 136 (2015).P. Korecki, T. P. Roszczynialski, K. M. Sowa, Simulation of image formation in x-ray
coded aperture microscopy with polycapillary optics, Optics Express 23, 8749 (2015).
D. T. Dul and P. Korecki, Matrix effects in white beam x-ray fluorescence holography, Journal of Applied Crystallography 48, 542 (2015).
D. T. Dul, K.M. Dabrowski, P. Korecki, Correction for beam attenuation and indirect extitation in x-ray fluorescence holography, EPL (Europhysics Letters) 104, 66001 (2013)K.M. Dabrowski, D. T. Dul, A. Wrobel, P. Korecki, X-ray microlaminography with polycapillary optics, Applied Physics Letters 102, 224104 (2013)
K.M. Dabrowski, D. T. Dul, T. P. Roszczynialski, P. Korecki, Element sensitive holographic imaging of atomic structures using white x-rays, Physical Review B 67, 064111 (2013)
K.M. Dabrowski, D. T. Dul, P. Korecki, X-ray imaging inside the focal spot of polycapillary optics using the coded aperture concept, Optics Express 21, 2920 (2013)
D. T. Dul, P. Korecki, Wavelet analysis of white beam x-ray fluorescence holograms: determination of lattice sites and imaging of local atomic structure, New Journal of Physics 14, 113044 (2012)K. M. Dabrowski, P. Korecki, Laboratory-based recording of holographic fine structure in x-ray absorption anisotropy using polycapillary optics, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. B 285, 94 (2012)
P. Korecki, M. Tolkiehn, K. M. Dabrowski, D. V. Novikov, Fluorescence detection of white beam x-ray absorption anisotropy: towards element sensitive projections of atomic structure, Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 18, 851 (2011).2009
P. Korecki, D. V. Novikov, M. Tolkiehn, Projections of local atomic structure revealed by wavelet analysis of x-ray absorption anisotropy, Physical Review B 80, 014119 (2009)P. Korecki, M. Tolkiehn, D.V. Novikov, X-ray absorption anisotropy for polychromatic illumination - Crystal views from inside, Radiation Physics and Chemistry 78, S34 (2009)
P. Korecki, Habiliitation thesis, Holographic and tomographic imaging of structure with atomic resolution, (introductory paragraph PDF) [in Polish only]2006
P. Korecki, M. Tolkiehn, D.V. Novikov, G. Materlik, M. Szymonski, Directional fine structure in absorption of white x-rays: a tomographic interpretation, Physical Review B 74, 184116 (2006)P. Korecki, M. Tolkiehn, D.V. Novikov, G. Materlik, M. Szymonski, X-ray tomographic imaging of crystal structure at atomic level, Physical Review Letters 96, 035502 (2006)
P. Korecki, M. Szymonski, J. Korecki, T. Slezak, Site-selective holographic imaging of iron arrangements in magnetite, Physical Review Letters 92, 205501 (2004)P. Korecki, D.V. Novikov, M. Tolkiehn, and G. Materlik, Extinction effects in x-ray holographic imaging with internal reference, Physical Review B 69, 184103 (2004)
Y. Nishino, T. Ishikawa, M. Suzuki, N. Kawamura, P. Kappen, P. Korecki, N. Haack, and G. Materlik, Photon interference effect in x-ray absorption spectra over a wide energy range, Phys. Rev. B 66, 113103 (2002)P. Korecki, M. Szymonski, Three-dimensional imaging of local atomic and magnetic structure in compound epitaxial films with g-ray holography, Surface Science 507, 422 (2002)
P. Korecki, J. Korecki, g-Ray Holography - Three-Dimensional Imaging of a Local Atomic Structure, Hyperfine Interactions. 14, 85 (2002)
P. Korecki, J. Korecki, Site Selectivity in g-Ray Holography. Hyperfine Interactions. 136, 137 (2001)Y. Nishino, L. Tröger, P. Korecki, and G. Materlik , Photon interference x-ray absorption fine structure, Physical Review B 64, 201101(R) (2001)
P. Korecki, G. Materlik, Real-space imaging of atomic structure with white x-rays, Physical Review Letters 86, 2333 (2001)
P. Korecki, G. Materlik, J. Korecki, Complex gamma-ray hologram: solution to twin-images problem in atomic resolution imaging, Physical Review Letters 86, 1534 (2001)
P. Korecki, J.Korecki , Holografia g - trójwymiarowe obrazowanie lokalnej struktury z rozdzielczoscia atomowa , Postepy Fizyki, 52 (2001) 225
M. Szymonski, P. Korecki, J. Kolodziej, P. Czuba, P. Piatkowski, Structure and electronic properties of ionic nano-layers MBE-grown on III-V semiconductors, Thin Solid Films 367, 134 (2000)1999
P. Korecki, P. Piatkowski, M. Szymonski, Holographic inversion of Kikuchi electron diffraction patterns for thin epitaxial NaCl films grown on GaAs(001), Surface Science 425, 22 (1999)P. Korecki, J. Korecki, W. Karas, Holography with gamma-rays: Simulations versus experiment for alpha-57Fe, Physical Review B 59, 6139 (1999)
P. Cyganik, P. Korecki, J. Szymonska, M. Szymonski. Z. Postawa, Scanning probe microscopy of self-assembled organic monolayers, Electron Technology 31, 440 (1998)1997
M. Szymonski, J. Kolodziej, P. Czuba, P. Korecki, Stimulated desorption from bulk and epitaxial alkali halides, Materials Science Forum 239, 615 (1997)P. Korecki, J. Korecki, T. Slezak, Atomic resolution gamma-ray holography using the Mossbauer effect, Physical Review Letters 79, 3518 (1997)
P. Korecki, M. Szymonski, Kikuchi electron holography of insulator surfaces, Electron Technology 29, 261 (1996)M. Szymonski, J. Kolodziej, P. Czuba, P. Korecki, P. Piatkowski, Z. Postawa, M. Piacentini, N. Zema, Photon stimulated desorption from alkali halide surfaces at near threshold energies, Surface Science 363, 229 (1996)
M. Szymonski, J. Kolodziej, P. Czuba, P. Piatkowski, P. Korecki, Z. Postawa, N. Itoh, Thickness dependent electron stimulated desorption of thin epitaxial films of alkali halides, Appl. Surf. Sci. 100-101, 102 (1996)